Frequently Asked Questions? – (FAQ’s 2: #12-22)

Frequently Asked Questions? – (FAQ’s 2: #12-22)

Selected are some of our most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) and they are listed by topic for easy access.

Select one of the links below (sample questions listed) to view the questions and answers for that topic. Please also see the EastPointe Bible Church’s Faith Statements about biblical based positions on crucial questions.

FREQUENT TERMS Christians Use – >CLICK Here<

QUESTIONS: (CLICK “Topic” to view.)

  1. Does Baptism Save?
  2. Divine Election?”
  3. Divorce and Remarriage?”
  4. Eternal Security?”
  5. “Am I Saved?”
  6. “Lordship Salvation”
  7. “Do we chose God or God chose us?”
  8. “Gift of Tongues?”
  9. “Roman Catholicism”
  10. “Church Government”
  11. “Church Membership”
  12. “The Role of Women in Church”
  13. “The Sufficiency of Scriptures”
  14. “What is True Worship?”
  15. “Giving God’s way”
  16. “Invitations or Altar Calls”
  17. “Why Christians suffer?”
  18. “Can a Christian be demon possessed?”
  19. “Church Discipline”
  20. “Who do think I am?”
  21. “How to interpret Prophecy?”
  22. How to Study the Bible”